
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Legend Of Hanuman

Web Series Downloads The Legend Of Hanuman Season-1 Size: 5.17 GB Download Season-2 Size: 6.49 GB Download

Google logo using Turtle in Python

style="display:block" data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-layout-key="-fb+5q+57-cn+4i" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1921033592828510" data-ad-slot="3834450293"> type="adsense" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1921033592828510" data-ad-slot="9938987353" data-auto-format="rspv" data-full-width=""> style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1921033592828510" data-ad-slot="1917096919" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">   Google logo using Turtle in Python Input (Code) :- import turtle as g g . bgcolor ( "black" ) g . color ( 'Royal Blue' ) g . pensize ( 5 ) g . speed ( 5 ) ## first circle {red color} g . forward ( 120 ) g . right ( 90 ) g . circle ( - 150 , 50 )   g . color ( 'dark green' ) g . circle ( - 150 , 100 ) g . color

Windows Logo using Turtle in Python

Windows logo using Turtle in Python Input (Code) :- import turtle as w w . hideturtle () w . speed ( 1 ) w . bgcolor ( 'black' ) w . penup () w . goto ( - 50 , 60 ) w . pendown () w . color ( 'blue' ) w . begin_fill () w . goto ( 100 , 100 ) w . goto ( 100 , - 100 ) #Draw windows w . goto ( - 50 , - 60 ) w . goto ( - 50 , 60 ) w . end_fill () w . color ( 'black' ) w . goto ( 15 , 100 ) #cut 2 equal parts w . color ( 'black' ) w . width ( 10 ) w . goto ( 15 , - 100 ) w . penup () w . goto ( 100 , 0 ) w . pendown () w . goto ( - 100 , 0 ) w . goto ( 30 , - 180 ) w . color ( "blue" ) w . write ( "Windows" , font = ( "cooper" , 50 , "bold" ), align = "center" ) w . done () Output :-  Watch this Short for result :-   style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-1921033592828510" data-ad-slot="1917096919"

Facebook Logo using Turtle in Python

Facebook logo using Turtle in Python Input (Code) :- import turtle as f f . speed ( 10 ) f . color ( "#0270d6" ) f . bgcolor ( 'black' ) f . penup () f . goto ( 0 , 150 ) f . pendown () f . begin_fill () f . forward ( 150 ) f . circle ( - 50 , 90 ) f . forward ( 300 ) f . circle ( - 50 , 90 ) f . forward ( 300 ) f . circle ( - 50 , 90 ) f . forward ( 300 ) f . circle ( - 50 , 90 ) f . forward ( 150 ) f . end_fill () f . color ( "white" ) f . penup () f . goto ( 140 , 80 ) f . pendown () f . begin_fill () f . right ( 180 ) f . forward ( 50 ) f . circle ( 80 , 90 ) f . forward ( 50 ) f . right ( 90 ) f . forward ( 80 ) f . left ( 90 ) f . forward ( 40 ) f . left ( 90 ) f . forward ( 80 ) f . right ( 90 ) f . forward ( 160 ) f . left ( 90 ) f . forward ( 55 ) f . left ( 90 ) f . forward ( 160 ) f . right ( 90 ) f . forward ( 70 ) f . left ( 80 ) f . forward ( 45 ) f . left ( 100 ) f . forward ( 80 ) f . right ( 90 ) f . forward ( 40 ) f . circle ( - 40 , 90

Instagram Logo using Turtle in Python

Instagram logo using Turtle in Python Input (Code) :- import turtle as i i . bgcolor ( 'black' ) i . pencolor ( '#bc2a8d' ) i . width ( 23 ) i . penup () i . goto ( 160 , - 100 ) i . pendown () i . left ( 90 ) for a in range ( 4 ):   i . forward ( 250 )   i . circle ( 34 , 90 ) i . penup () i . goto ( 85 , 30 ) i . pendown () i . circle ( 80 , 360 ) i . penup () i . goto ( 110 , 130 ) i . pendown () i . circle ( 7 , 360 ) i . done () Output :-  Watch this Short for result :-

Microsoft logo using Turtle in Python

Microsoft logo using Turtle in Python Input (Code) :- import turtle as m m.bgcolor( "Black" ) def first_box ():     m.goto( - 130 , 0 )     m.color( "red" )     m.begin_fill()     for i in range ( 4 ):         m.forward( 100 )         m.left( 90 )     m.end_fill()     m.penup() def second_box ():     m.goto( 0 , 0 )     m.color( "green" )     m.begin_fill()     m.pendown()     for i in range ( 4 ):         m.forward( 100 )         m.left( 90 )     m.end_fill()     m.penup() def third_box ():     m.goto( - 130 , - 130 )     m.color( "blue" )     m.begin_fill()     m.pendown()     for i in range ( 4 ):         m.forward( 100 )         m.left( 90 )     m.end_fill()     m.penup() def fourth_box ():     m.goto( 0 , - 130 )     m.color( "orange" )     m.begin_fill()     m.pendown()     for i in range ( 4 ):         m.forward( 100 )         m.left( 90 )     m.end_fill()             print (first_box()) print (second_box()) print (

Virtual assistants & Voice Technology

The Power of Virtual Assistants and Voice Technology in Transforming Our Digital Landscape Introduction : Virtual assistants and voice technology have emerged as game-changers, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology and enhancing our daily lives. With virtual assistants at the forefront, powered by voice technology, we are witnessing a profound transformation in our digital landscape. In this article, we will explore the remarkable capabilities of virtual assistants and the underlying voice technology, highlighting their pivotal role in shaping the future of human-computer interaction. The Evolution of Virtual Assistants : Virtual assistants have come a long way since their inception. They have evolved from basic voice recognition systems to sophisticated conversational agents, capable of engaging in natural, context-aware conversations with users. The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) has played a crucial role in enhanc